A book launch event on young adults’ coronavirus experiences

A book launch event on young adults’ coronavirus experiences on Wednesday, took place on May 29th at 3 pm at the main building of the University of Tampere.

The event was hosted by author Elina Hirvonen and the book’s editors Päivi Honkatukia, Mirja Määttä and Jenni Kallio introduced the book. I participated in the panel discussion about my article  “Nuorten kausityöläisten kokemuksia koronasta Lapin matkailukeskuksissa” in the book. The article is about my Hermeneutic-Phenomenological Research on Young People´s Individual Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Their Thoughts about Future, see also https://doi.org/10.3390/soc1204011

Link to the open access book: https://vastapaino.fi/media/f/7847