20 tammikuun, 2011


Updated 10.02.2024

HELENA HELVE  http://www.helenahelve.fi

1976    Candidate in Humanities, University of Helsinki
1977    Candidate in Philosophy, University of Helsinki
1977    Master’s degree, University of Helsinki
1978    Qualifications for the posts of teacher of adult education and principal of adult education
1984    Licentiate in Philosophy, University of Helsinki
1987    Doctoral dissertation approved by University of Helsinki
1987    Doctor of Philosophy degree, University of Helsinki
1989    Associate Professor (Docent) of Study of Religions University of Helsinki
2002    Associate Professor (Docent) of Sociology University of Helsinki

LANGUAGES    Finnish (native), fluent in Swedish and English, working knowledge of German

2008- CURRENT POSITION Professor (1.7.2012 Professor Emerita), Faculty of Social Sciences Tampere University
2008-2012    Director of the WORK – Preca 2008-2011 Research Programme, Finnish Academy

1978-1987    Lecturer of Social Policy and Sociology in the Folk High School, (total 8 years)
1987-1989    Acting Senior Lecturer, University of Helsinki
1.June – 31. July 1989    Senior Visiting Research Fellow, University of Sheffield, Educational Research Centre, England
1.Sep. – 31.Dec. 1989    Acting Professor in the Study of Religions, University of Helsinki
1990    Acting Professor of Folklore and the Study of Religions, University of Turku
1991    Research Fellow of the Institute of the History of Religion, Åbo Akademi University
1991 and 1992    Senior Visiting Research Fellow, City University of London
1993, 1994 and 1995    Social Statistics Research Unit, various times
1.Jan.1991-31. Dec. 1994    Research Fellow in the Finnish Academy of Science
1.Jan.1995-31. Dec.1997    Director of” Values, World Views and Gender” Research Programme, Finnish Academy of Sciences
1.Jan.1996-31. Dec.1998    Full-time Associate Professor, (Docent), senior researcher, University of Helsinki
1.Jan 1998-31. Dec.2003    Nordic Research Coordinator, Nordic Council of Ministers
1.Jan 2004 -30. Sept.2004    Coordinator of “University Network of Youth Research”, University of Helsinki
1.Oct. 2004- 23.Nov. 2008    Research Professor, University of Eastern Finland (Kuopio)


1994-2004    Co-ordinator in Socrates programme at the University of Helsinki
1994-1999    Director of” Youth Research 2000” –programme and founder of the Finnish Youth Research Network – programme. Responsibilities include leadership of the team offering academic access to the research, leadership of research initiation, analysis activities and dissemination, supervision of researchers and direction of a number of research projects of Youth Research 2000 -programme.
1995-1997    Leader in the researchers’ group responsible for the National Youth Policy Review for the Council of Europe
1997-1999    Co-ordinator and Leader of the EU-project” A comparative study of Living Conditions and Participation of Rural Young People in a Chancing Europe
1997-1999    Member of COST – EU project on the theme Youth and Employment
1999 – 2000    Member of EU-project “European Identities”
1998-2002    Editor of International Bulletin of Youth research IBYR, International Sociological Association ISA RC 34, Research Committee of Youth
2000-2002     Researcher of EU-project” Study on the State of Young People and Youth Policy in Europe
2000-2004    Director of Baltic-Nordic PhD-level multi-scientific Youth Research Graduate School Programme and Network
2001-2003    Co-ordinator and Leader of the Nordic research project” A Comparative Study of Living Conditions of Periphery Young People”
2004-2007         Director of the Social Capital SoCA BeSS Research Programme funded by Academy of Science, University of Helsinki
2006-2010   “Teaching body” and Visiting professor of the Ph.D. in “Sociologia, analisi sociale e politiche pubbliche” , Dept. of sociology and Political Sciences, Univ. of Salerno


1984, 1985, 1986, 1987    Finnish Ministry of Education, Finnish Cultural Foundation, Emil Aaltonen Foundation

1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1995    British Academy research awards total 18 months

1992-1999    Honorary Senior Research Fellow, City University of London,

Social Statistics Research Unit

1999- 2000 Honorary Senior Research Fellow, University of London, Institute of Education, Centre for Longitudinal Studies

1999-2003    Funding for research project direction and co-ordination of the

Nordic Youth Research from the Nordic Council

2000-2004    Research funding from the Nordic Academy of Advanced Study (NorFA)

for the Baltic-Nordic PhD-level multi-scientific Youth research Graduate School


2001-2003    Research funding from the Nordic Council for the research project “A Comparative Study of Living Conditions of Periphery Young People”

2004-2006    Research funding from Wihuri Säätiö for the research project “Behind the Scenes of Society (BeSS) – Young people, identity and social capital”

2004-2007    Research funding from the Academy of Finland for the research project “Behind the Scenes of Society (BeSS) – Young people, identity and social capital”

2008-2012    Research funding from the Academy of Finland for the research project for the research project “The Changing Life-Styles and Values of the Young Short-termed Unemployed in the Different Labour Markets of Finland”

2008   Honorary President of the Finnish Society of Youth Research

Supervised PhD dissertations/ academic assessments  

1994 Official opponent for the doctoral dissertation: Helena Saarikoski, Kouluajan kivoin paiva. A Folklore dissertation in Helsinki University

1995 External Examiner for doctoral dissertation: Sari Nare, Dept. of Sociology, University of Helsinki

1999 External Examiner for doctoral dissertation: Helena Kasurinen, Dept. of Pedagogy, University of Joensuu

1999 External Examiner for doctoral dissertation: Anita Rubin, Dept. of Sociology, University of Turku

2000 Opponent of the doctoral thesis of Helena Kasurinen, Dept. of Pedagogy, University of Joensuu

2000 Opponent of the doctoral thesis of Anita Rubin, Dept. of Sociology, University of Turku 2000 External examiner for doctoral dissertation: Mari-Anna Frangen, Dept. of Religious Pedagogy

2000 Examiner for Adjuct Professor (Docent) position of Jüri Saarniit, Dept. of Sociology, Tarto University

2000 External examiner for doctoral dissertation: Marja Nevanlinna Dept. of Pedagogy

2001 Examiner for Docent position of Helena Saarikoski, Dept. of Folklore, University of Helsinki

2003 Supervisor for the doct. diss of Teija Mikkola, Dept. of Sociology, University of Helsinki

2003 External examiner for doctoral dissertation: Hanna Salomäki Dept. of Sociology of Religion, University of Helsinki

2003 External examiner for doctoral dissertation: Venla Salmi, Dept. of Education, University of Helsinki

2004 Opponent of the doctoral thesis of Hanna Salomäki, Dept. of Sociology of Religion, University of Helsinki

2004 Supervisor for doctoral diss. of Lotta Svensson, Linköping University, Dept. of Sociology, Sweden

2005 External Examiner for doctoral dissertation: Lotta Svensson, Linköping University, Dept. of Sociology, Sweden

2005 Examiner for professor position of study of Religions University of Gävle , Sweden

2006 Examiner of Adjunct Professor (Docent) position of Andreas Häger, Univ. of Åbo Academy

2007 External examiner for doctoral dissertation: Päivi Fadjukof, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Jyväskylä

2009 Examiner of the Dept. of Humanities, Univ. of Helsinki for doctoral dissertation of Sirkku Piispanen

2009 External examiner for doctoral dissertation: Katariina Soanjärvi, Dept. of Education, Univ. of Jyväskylä

2009 Superviser for the doctoral dissertation of Marjatta Majuri-Kyntäjä, Dept. of Social Sciences, University of Tampere

2010 External examiner for doctoral dissertation: Katariina Löfblom, Dept. of Sociology, Univ. of Turku

2010 External examiner for doctoral dissertation: Eija Raatikainen, Dept. of Education, Univ. of Helsinki

2010 Supervised PhD dissertation of Kaisa Sinikara, Dept. of Theology, Helsinki University

2011 Supervised PhD thesis ”Growing up in Affiliation with a Religious Community – A Case Study of Seventh-day Adventist Youth in Finland” (pedagogy) Arniika Kuusisto. University of Helsinki

2011 supervised PhD thesis Tyttöjen kesken: monikulttuurisuus ja sukupuolten tasa-arvo nuorisotyössä” (sosiology). Veronika Honkasalo. University of Helsinki

2015 External examiner and supervisor of the PhD  dissertation: Jaana Avolahti, Univ. of Helsinki

2015 External Reviewer of Dr Devlin for Professor B at Maynooth University

2017 Supervisor for the doct. diss. of Anu Heinonen, Dept. of Theology, University of Helsinki

2017 External examiner of the Habilitation of Natalia Wächter (educational science) Karl-FranzensUniversität Graz, Austria, 2017

Supervisor for doct. diss. of Eeva-Sinisalo Juha, Youth Research, University of Tampere

2020 External examiner of the PhD Thesis of Pheaktra Pich: Negotiating spaces for young students as informed and active citizenry: Discourses on schooling and individual’s aspirations in contemporary Cambodia, Melbourne University, Australia

2008 Examiner of Titus Hjelm for Assistant Professorship, Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki

2021 Examiner of Titus Hjelm for Full Time Professorship, Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki


1983-2001   Editor of the Finnish Journal Nuorisotutkimus Youth Research

1995-2000   Editorial board of NVMEN, International Review for the History of Religions

1997-2015   Member of the International Editorial Board of Journal of Youth Studies

1998-2002   Editor of International Bulletin of Youth Research, Research Committee 34, ISA

1998-2001   Editor of Nordic Youth Research Newsletter

1998-2003   Editor of NYRI www publications http://www.alli.fi/nyri/

2000-2007   Editorial board of IDENTITY: An International Journal of Theory and Research

2017-2018   Editor of About Gender, International Journal of Gender Studies


1989-1996    Secretary of the Finnish Society for the Study of Comparative Religion

1996-1998    Vice President of the Finnish Society for the Study of Comparative Religion

1991-1992    Vice President of the Finnish Society for Youth Research

1.Sept.1994 – 31. Dec.1997    Member of the National Education Committee on youth and leisure time

1995-1998    Finnish Coordinator in Nordic youth research advisory group/Nordic Council of Ministers

1992-2005    President of the Finnish Society for Youth Research

1995-2000    Executive committee member of (IAHR) International Association for the History of Religions

2000-2008    Vice President of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR)

2002-2006    President of the Research Committee 34 on Sociology for Youth,

                        International Sociological Association (ISA)

1998-2010    Member of the Ex. Board of the Research Committee 34 on Sociology for Youth, ISA

2010-2022    Member of the Advisory. Board of the Research Committee 34 on Sociology for Youth, International Sociological Association (ISA)

POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION (Other elected memberships)    

1991-1994    Deputy Chair of Departmental Steering Committee in the Department of the Study of Religions, University of Helsinki

1994-1997    Member of Department Steering Committee in the Department of the Study of Religions

1993-1995    Member of the Parliamentary State Committee of Youth

1996- 1999   Vice member of the Parliamentary State Committee of Youth

1987-1993    Member of Project Steering Committee of the Research Institute of the Lutheran Church

1994-1996    Deputy member of Steering Committee of the Research Institute of the Lutheran Church

1993-1996   Member of Finnish UNESCO Board

1994-2008    Member of the Youth Committee of the Lutheran Church of Finland

2001-2002    Member of the citizen delegation of “Children in the school of life”

2002-2005    Member of the Steering Committee of Education and Youth of the Lutheran Church of Finland

2000-2006    Member of the HelsinkiMission executive board

2006-2022    Member of the Council of   HelsinkiMission

2002-2006    Member of the executive board the Finnish Youth Foundation

2006-2021    Member of the Council of   the Finnish Youth Foundation

2005-2010    Member   of National Board of Education in youth training standing comittee

2010- 2020   Member of the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies (SLLS)

2012- 2016   Member of the Council of the Avartti- the Finnish Award programme

2000-2022    Board member of the Foundation of Youth Research (Nuorisotutkimussäätiö)


1993        Consultant to Finnish Minister responsible for youth in the 4th Conference for Ministers responsible for Youth in Vienna in April 1993 on the subject” Young people in Greater Europe”.

1994        Collaboration with Finnish Ministry of Education in writing a paper ”Youth policy and problems of youth aid in the context of the profound changes in Europe” and speaker at the East-West co-operation conference in the field of youth: From national, regional and local structures – to the active participation of youth, Kiev, Ukraine, November 12-16, 1994.

1995        Collaboration with Finnish Ministry of Education in the Council of Europe (CDEJ) European Steering Committee for Intergovernmental co-operation in the youth field (Finnish Initiative for the youth policy review)

1996        Scientific collaboration and member of the Council of Europe CDEJ

working group on the promotion of enterprise and participation among young people

1997        Collaboration with Nordic Youth Council and Nordic Youth Co-ordinator for Nordic Youth Research Programme

1998        Expert group for the Review of the National Youth Policy in Spain

1998-99    Scientific collaboration and member of the Council of Europe. CDEJ Expert group for the Review of the National Youth Policy in Spain.

2000   Academic expert group member Socrates/Grundtvig/TCP Networks

2002    Member of the organizing committee of the UN Expert Meeting on Global Priorities for Youth

2002    Member of the selecting committee for the International Youth Studies Training seminar of Council of   Europe

2002- 2013 Expert of the international advisory group of the longitudinal research on young people, University of London, Institute of Education, Centre for Longitudinal Studies

2002-2003     Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research. Inventory of Swedish Youth Studies 1995-2001 concerning surroundings, doctoral theses, publications and research projects

2005-2006      Scientific Programme Co-ordinator of the VXI World Congress of the International Sociological Association, Youth Sociology ISA RC 34

2007-2012     Chair of the executive board of YUNET Youth research University Network

2007-2011    Member of Executive Board of M.A. of European Youth Studies

2009-2011     Expert assisting Research in the economic, social sciences and humanities, European Commission, DG Research, Unit.

2010-2011      Expert group member of Global Europe 2030/2050 in the European Comission, European Union research policy Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities

2011-1012     European Commission, DG Research & Innovation. Independent Expert Reviewer and organizer of the conference: Policy Review of the Youth Research Cluster on Social Inclusion

2012-2013       Nyris12, Nordic Youth Research Symposium Conference; Scientific Committee member

2013-2018      ISCH COST Action IS1311 – Intergenerational Family Solidarity across Europe (INTERFASOL).

2017-2024      Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong. Evaluations for research proposals for the Humanities, Social Sciences Panel of RGC.

2019-2022     European Science Foundation (ESF). The College of Review Panel Member

2022-2024   Member of FWO Review Collage,  Research Foundation Flanders Expertpanels