Helena Helve

Professor Emerita, Tampere University

Nuorisotutkimuspäivät 2023 esitys: Toivoa tutkimassa

Toivoa tutkimassa: Ekologisten, sosiaalisten ja taloudellisten arvojen vertaileva analyysi X-sukupolven ja milleniaalien nuoruudessa This paper delves into a comprehensive exploration of ecological, social, and economic values, focusing on the attitudes of hope, within the context of Generation X and Millennials. The study specifically investigates the youth of Finland from Generation X (born in the 1960s Read more about Nuorisotutkimuspäivät 2023 esitys: Toivoa tutkimassa[…]

Presentation at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology (with Powerpoint slides)

JS-148.1 – Helena Helve. Hermeneutic-Phenomenological Research on Young People´s Individual Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Their Thoughts about Future Abstract The study analyzes the individual experiences of young people with the COVID-19 pandemic, describing them with own youth spoken language, and interpreting the essential contents of the meanings hermeneutic-phenomenologically. In the spring of 2021, I Read more about Presentation at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology (with Powerpoint slides)[…]

New Open Access Article: Values and Solidarity of Young Finnish Millennials and Generation XNew Open Access Article

Values and Solidarity of Young Finnish Millennials and Generation X article was publiched in Youth 2023, 3(1), 401-413; https://doi.org/10.3390/youth3010027 Abstract It has been claimed that, in many countries and societies, there has been a generational change in youth values towards postmodern values that indicate postmaterialism. This paper tests that proposition by comparing youth values and solidarity attitudes in Read more about New Open Access Article: Values and Solidarity of Young Finnish Millennials and Generation XNew Open Access Article[…]

New Open Access Article: Hermeneutic-Phenomenological Interpretation of Coronavirus Experiences

Helve, H.M.(2022) Hermeneutic-Phenomenological Interpretation of Coronavirus Experiences, Their Meanings, and the Prospects of Young Finns in Education and the Labor Market in Lapland. Societies 2022, 12, 112. https://www.mdpi.com/2075-4698/12/4/112 Abstract In this paper I reflect on the methodological concepts of youth research, utilizing a hermeneutic-phenomenological approach to the interpretation of interview data from young adults who have been on short-term work Read more about New Open Access Article: Hermeneutic-Phenomenological Interpretation of Coronavirus Experiences[…]

Trends in youth research globally

This article has been published first in Contemporary Youth Research  (eds. Helena Helve & Gunilla Holm) by Ashgate Publishing 2005 and reprinted by Routledge 2020 (pp. 15 – 32). Chapter Two Trends in youth research globally 2A. Youth Research in Europe Helena Helve, Siyka Kovacheva and Carmen LeccardiYou can download this chapter in pdf format

Hermeneu’sfenomenologinen tulkinta nuorten koronakokemuksista ja tulevaisuuden näkymistä. Nuorisotutkimuspäivät 4 – 5.11.2021

Esityksessäni pohdin hermeneuttis-fenomenologista lähestymistapaa nuorten aikuisten koronakokemusten tulkinnassa ja niiden perusrakenteiden kuvaamisessa. Kiinnostukseni kohteena on miten nuoret Lapin hiihtokeskuksissa ovat kokeneet koronan ja miten se on vaikuttanut heidän elämäänsä ja tulevaisuuden näkymiinsä? Haastattelin yhteensä kymmentä (5 naista ja 5 miestä) 18–26- vuotiasta nuorta keväällä 2021. Haastattelut olivat keskustelunomaisia avoimista aiheeseen liittyvistä teemoista ilman strukturoitua haastattelurunkoa. Read more about Hermeneu’sfenomenologinen tulkinta nuorten koronakokemuksista ja tulevaisuuden näkymistä. Nuorisotutkimuspäivät 4 – 5.11.2021[…]

Early Millennium RC 34 Reflections on Youth Sociology. Presented at XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, RC 34 Presidential session 16. July 2018, Toronto

Abstract: This paper will share and analyse, within the framework of youth sociology and RC 34, some thoughts, observations and reflections using pictures from RC 34 meetings and conferences, materials from IBYR, the Official Online Newsletter of the RC 34 (1998–2002), and RC 34 board documents (2002–2006), focusing on working towards the goal of a Read more about Early Millennium RC 34 Reflections on Youth Sociology. Presented at XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, RC 34 Presidential session 16. July 2018, Toronto[…]